This project explores the growing emotional numbness people experience in fast-paced modern life. To address the accumulation of negative emotions and the diminishing range of emotional experiences, I designed an emotional experience store where individuals can access specific emotions based on their needs.


In modern times, how do people release negative emotion?

The most common way to relieve stress involves physical activities that expend energy. These methods work by consuming excess energy, leaving individuals with less energy to remain anxious or irritable.


Potential drawbacks of releasing emotions through physical venting

Damage to property or surroundings: If venting involves breaking or throwing objects, it can lead to material damage or create a mess, increasing repair or replacement costs afterward.

The effect of long-term accumulation of emotions on the body

Increased aggression: Regularly venting emotions through intense physical actions may reinforce aggressive tendencies, making a person more likely to respond with violence or hostility when under stress or in conflict situations.


Prolonged exposure to high pressure can lead to cardiovascular disease and hypertension

Digestive System

Excessive accumulation of stress can lead to gastroenteritis, colitis, duodenal ulcers


Serotonin regulates your mood; it works in the body to produce feelings of joy and happiness.

Unsuitable for certain environments: Sudden emotional outbursts may be inappropriate in public or professional settings, potentially making others uncomfortable or damaging one’s social relationships and reputation.


The concentration of cortisol is linked to stress, and elevated cortisol brings feelings of restlessness, tension and anxiety.



Negative emotional cycles: Excessive physical venting might not bring lasting emotional relief, and can even intensify negative emotions, leading to an escalating cycle of emotional volatility.


Stress can lead to insomnia, headaches, anxiety, irritability, and can affect the ability to process outside information

Immune System

The immune system can be affected by changes in mood, and prolonged depression can weaken the immune system

What enables people to experience emotions?

People experience emotions due to Hormones, which play a key role in generating the feelings we go through each day. These hormonal compounds are released in response to life events, triggering a wide range of emotions.

Since people’s emotions are produced through the interaction of different hormones secreted in the body, can we artificially mix the ratio of hormones and then deliver them into the body so that people can feel different emotions?

I want to achieve emotional access through a sleep chamber device that ratios hormones and produces them in gaseous form so that people can breathe them into their bodies.



Oxytocin creates feelings of love and trust. The presence of this hormone in the blood helps form emotional attachments to loved ones.

Generate reports based on hormone levels and recommend appropriate emotional experiences

The machine performs artificial hormone rationing and confirms the emotional experience report


User Interface Framework

3D Modeling

Enter the Emotion Store user interface and intelligently analyze hormone levels in your body by scanning your palm

Select the emotions to be experienced and the duration of the experience according to the recommendations


Experience Design, Interaction Design



